Hello all!
I hope you've been enjoying my latest posts about how to step up your game professionally and just some overall tips and tricks to know about the corporate world. For this post, it will be no different because I'll be talking about essential info about interviewing as you go into the work world! Again, some of these are from interview prepping sessions and some are from the conference.
1. Know about the company.
Do your research. How long have they been in business, what they stand for, etc. This is vital to know because you want to work for a company that aligns with your goals and values. Also, if you're going to work hard for a company, you're going to want to do this anyway because you CARE about the company. As mentioned in the Corporate Confidential book, why should they hire/keep you if your not emotionally invested in the company and looking out for its interests as well? Most likely some of the information you need can be found on the company's website and on the internet.
2. How to answer typical interview questions. Now, you've probably heard this a million times, but it's true. Google YouTube for classic interview questions and mock answers. It's not only slightly entertaining, but will prepare you for a stellar interview. Know exactly how you're going to answer if they ask about a challenge you faced and what you did to resolve it. Know how to answer the "now tell me about yourself" question and so on and so forth. Need some help check out this simple YouTube video:
(from www.scoop.it)
3. What sets you apart from the competition. Why your qualifications are EXACTLY what they're looking for. As mentioned before in previous posts, know your strengths and weaknesses, what makes you different than any other candidate, and WHAT role you play when collaborating in a group. Are you a natural born leader? Boom. Strength. Are a team player...do you play well with others? Mention it. What are your weaknesses...could you be a better listener? Do you take on too much responsibility? (could turn it into a positive statement about having ambition, etc.) Talk about what skills you possess or what experiences you've had that have prepared you for the role you're applying for.
To get you started on what strengths you might have, check out this:
http://freestrengthstest.workuno.com/free-strengths-test.html and the Briggs Myers Test here:
4. Questions you have for the interviewer.
One of the most make-or-break moments here is whether or not you have questions to ask the interviewer. The correct answer here is TO ASK QUESTIONS. Not just any question either, make sure your questions are thoughtful, thought-provoking and show that you have in interest in the company and passion. There are thousands of wonderful questions to ask, and for each interview they could be different. To see some examples of what to ask, check here: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/173529391868001418/
Infographic from: www.scoop.it
5. Write a thank you note and follow up.
You should know that being polite and showing gratitude go a LONG way. At the conference I went to, one of the speakers was asked what was one of the most impressive actions a candidate had ever done? Their response...they had received a thank you note. Yes, it is rare. Yes, it will make a positive impression. Possibly one that will also get you a job.
Want to know a fool-proof way to write a professional thank you note?
Check here: infographic from http://www.prepary.com/what-to-write-in-a-thank-you-note-after-an-interview/
Well I hope you all have learned some tips to conquer your next job interview!! I know these will definitely keep me on top of my game. What about you all? Are there any tips that you've learned that will impress future employers? I'd love to know in the comments below!
Much love,
My goal is to create a lifestyle blog dedicated to college students and young adults that will give tips and tricks to help make our transition to adulthood a bit easier.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Things You Should Know Before Going To An Interview
Sunday, October 25, 2015
3 Business Must Reads Straight From The Professionals
Hello! Glad you're back!
As always, I'm trying to mix up my posts for you guys, so you never know what to expect!
As you all know, I recently went to a marketing conference in ATL (SuperNova South) and some of the
speakers mentioned some book recommendations to read, so I thought I'd jot them down for you all.
Some of these recommendations are from speakers at the conference, professors at my school, and professional magazines.
1. Strength Finders 2.0 by New York Times bestseller Tom Rath.
This specifically came out of one of the UGA professors at the SuperNova South conference. It's a psychology book that explores the Meyers-Briggs personality traits in depth and how it applies to your personal strengths and weaknesses. There's also a code to where you can take a test to see which strengths and weaknesses you have. Also, I think there's a free version of the test as well. As mentioned in my blog about pieces of advice I learned from SuperNova South, knowing your strengths and weaknesses and how they apply to the real world WILL set you apart in the workforce.
To see reviews and see a synopsis read here: http://www.amazon.com/StrengthsFinder-2-0-Tom-Rath/dp/159562015X
2. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
Again, this one came from my professor and from the UGA marketing book club. In one of the reviews, it said that this book isn't really one to be summarized, but I'm going to give you the gist of what it's about. In a nutshell, it explains why people say yes and what motivates people to make the decisions they make! Psychologically, what makes a person more incline to make one choice over another? How can you use persuasion to your advantage and avoid being persuaded yourself? It answers all these questions and more. To check it out, go here:
3. Corporate Confidential: 50 Secrets Your Company Doesn't Want You to Know--and What to Do About Them
Once again, this was mentioned at the conference and wow. After reading the first chapter online on Amazon, I've decided it's an absolute MUST READ. It explores the reasons why people lose their jobs, it talks about everything from layoffs to sexual harassment claims. It even explains how and why hard workers can be laid off. It speaks truth about Corporate America and why companies fire people to save themselves.
To read an excerpt and see reviews, go here:
Okay, so there you have it! What are some of YOUR must reads??
As always, I'm trying to mix up my posts for you guys, so you never know what to expect!
As you all know, I recently went to a marketing conference in ATL (SuperNova South) and some of the
speakers mentioned some book recommendations to read, so I thought I'd jot them down for you all.
Some of these recommendations are from speakers at the conference, professors at my school, and professional magazines.
1. Strength Finders 2.0 by New York Times bestseller Tom Rath.
This specifically came out of one of the UGA professors at the SuperNova South conference. It's a psychology book that explores the Meyers-Briggs personality traits in depth and how it applies to your personal strengths and weaknesses. There's also a code to where you can take a test to see which strengths and weaknesses you have. Also, I think there's a free version of the test as well. As mentioned in my blog about pieces of advice I learned from SuperNova South, knowing your strengths and weaknesses and how they apply to the real world WILL set you apart in the workforce.
To see reviews and see a synopsis read here: http://www.amazon.com/StrengthsFinder-2-0-Tom-Rath/dp/159562015X
2. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
Again, this one came from my professor and from the UGA marketing book club. In one of the reviews, it said that this book isn't really one to be summarized, but I'm going to give you the gist of what it's about. In a nutshell, it explains why people say yes and what motivates people to make the decisions they make! Psychologically, what makes a person more incline to make one choice over another? How can you use persuasion to your advantage and avoid being persuaded yourself? It answers all these questions and more. To check it out, go here:
3. Corporate Confidential: 50 Secrets Your Company Doesn't Want You to Know--and What to Do About Them
Once again, this was mentioned at the conference and wow. After reading the first chapter online on Amazon, I've decided it's an absolute MUST READ. It explores the reasons why people lose their jobs, it talks about everything from layoffs to sexual harassment claims. It even explains how and why hard workers can be laid off. It speaks truth about Corporate America and why companies fire people to save themselves.
To read an excerpt and see reviews, go here:
Okay, so there you have it! What are some of YOUR must reads??
Sunday, October 18, 2015
10 Perks of College (So Enjoy it While it Lasts!)
Hello, glad you're here today!
As it's approaching December and a new batch of graduates are about to make
their mark on the world, I've been reflecting on the best perks of college. Although college is an extremely hectic stage of life, there are benefits too.
You've taken the tests, sent your transcripts, bought new bedding for your new
place and are ready to go! Make no mistake, there'll be lots of papers to write, new tests to study for, and midterms to cram for in the next 4 or so years, but that doesn't mean that college can't be fun! From personal experience, here are some of the best parts.
1. Class times
Wanna take a 12 o clock class? Do it. Want to have all your classes finished before 12? Do it. Want to have an hour break scheduled in so you can inhale some Chickfila before your next class? Do it. This may be one of the only times in life when YOU decide your schedule tailored to what you want your schedule to look like-granted, as you move up, the variety of class times shrink, but you still have some wiggle room.
2. Learning life skills.
Never did the laundry at home? (Hopefully you did...) Never cooked your own food?
Well now is the time to learn! College is the perfect time to learn major life skills that you may have skimped out on in high school. Learn how to balance a checkbook, budget, and manage money. Learn how to change a tire.
3. Being in charge of your own eating habits.
This is probably the first time in your life where you've picked out your own groceries.
What a great way to start healthy buying habits now!
4. Going out when you want.
Back to number 1, you can run errands in the middle of the day if you don't have class. Don't have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays? Do an impromptu Six Flags trip or a road trip. 5. Trying out new things. Are you eyeing that scuba fitness class or wanna learn Swahili? This is the time! It'll probably count as an elective somewhere and you'll learn something not too many other people know. Want to go to Italy? Learn Italian. The possibilities are endless. 6. It's okay not to know what you're doing with your life. Don't know what to do with your life? Congrats, you've officially entered your twenties. Some people on campus have an idea of what they want to do of course, but even if they say they do, most of us don't exactly know what we're doing. Relish in that fact. Know that you're not alone in this and be grateful you get to experience this with others. You're surrounded with individuals who are all in the same boat. 7. Student events. Go to a big university? Go to a football game! Do they have a theater? Go to a cheap movie. See if your favorite stores offer a student discount. Use your student perks. Go to the school gym. Study in the grass just because you can. Go to lectures after school on campus. Again, the possibilities are endless. 8. Being around people your same age. Are all your older friends getting married and having babies? Well...since you're in college you can still enjoy the freedom that comes with being young. Stay out with friends. Sleep in til 12 on a Saturday because you don't have a toddler to take care of. Take impromptu road trips and go to music festivals. This is one of the most freeing times in your life, so take advantage of it!
9. The feeling of feeling like anything is possible/planning big dreams.
One of the best parts about college in my opinion is that you have a whole life ahead of you to dream about. Enjoy the moment, yes, but plot out your future. Are there places/cities you'd like to visit once you graduate? Where do you want to study abroad? What companies do you want to work for? Do you want your own business? What kind of business? Nothing's happened yet, so in the meantime dream. DREAM BIG. 10. Wearing whatever, whenever. Wanna wear yoga pants or sweat pants to class? No judgement here. Soak it up now because I don't know of any careers that will let you do that... unless you're a yoga instructor. |
That's my take on the best parts about college, now what do you all think?? What's been YOUR favorite part of college?!
Much love,
Monday, October 12, 2015
10 Pieces of Advice I Learned From SuperNova South
Hello everyone! How are you today on this windy week of October? I hope you all have had time to embrace everything October has to offer like hayrides, pumpkin carving, and spending time in this beautiful weather with family and friends. I know I certainly have enjoyed the season so far and have had some interesting experiences thus far! One of them being a marketing conference in Atlanta called SuperNova South. SuperNova South is, like I said, a marketing conference where leaders in the industry come and give talks about what their experiences are in the business world and talk about specific topics pertaining to different aspects of the business. Since the conference was just this past week, I thought I'd make a list to remember all the important tidbits I learned from the experience. Now, as a disclaimer, I'd like to say that most of these are general life advice statements and what I learned from the experience personally, not only professionally.
1. Employers want to know what you are all about and what you can do.
One of the main takeaways I was surprised to learn was that employers not only want to see if you can do the job, but what EXACTLY you bring to the table. This may seem simple in theory and it is, but it goes beyond that. Of course it goes without saying that employers want to know if you can do the job, but they want to know more. They want to know if you have a willingness to learn. They want to know how you fit into the company culture and what you bring to the table. Essentially they're seeking to know if you have all the characteristics that fits their team's needs, not only if you can do the job. They want to know what SETS you apart from the other hundreds of applicants and WHY YOU ARE THE PERFECT person for the position. It's a good thing to keep in mind that what they're after is your skill set as a person, personally AND professionally, and not just looking at the perfect gpa or work experience. I don't know why, but this was a revolutionary concept for me that employers care more about the whole individual and well-roundedness of the individual rather than how perfect the person is on paper.
2. Employers want to see your personality. They don't want only GPAs and numbers.
I heard from multiple speakers that they wanted to get a sense of personality from the person they were interviewing. They want to know what makes you tick. They want to know what motivates you, what causes you to do your best work and what you enjoy. They want flair and someone who has a personality along with being a hard worker. This also brings me to my next point of...
3. Start a project to show off your skills.
Another piece of information I heard from many speakers was to have a project or craft to show potential employers. They want to see pieces of writing. They want portfolios of work that you've created. Good news is, I heard multiple speakers making the suggestion of having a blog..! Yay! Do you write periodically for a website? Show them! Have you improved a business's social media account? Take before and after pictures of how you improved their internet presence and show them!
Along the lines of point 1, interviewers want to know if YOU know your own strengths and weaknesses. Can you be honest and talk about what areas you need to improve in? Do you know specifically what you bring to the work environment? For example, who are you and what role do you play when it comes to group work? For example, I know I'm somewhat of a mix between a cheerleader and an analyzer. I'm encouraging and enthusiastic, but I also want to keep on track and get it done. A weakness is that I'm stubborn and can *sometimes* be closed to new ideas. On the flip side, my stubbornness is also what makes me great. If I want something bad enough, I'll work to get it and won't give up simply because I'm too stubborn to! To find out what your strengths and weaknesses are, read the book Strength Finders 2.0. It was suggested by a professor at the conference and he swore it was a must read!
5. Where you start is probably not where you're going to end up.
I don't think a single speaker at the conference originally set out to do digital marketing specifically. Maybe they had started a business that had involved some marketing, yes, but I don't think any one of them set out with the specific dream of being a digital marketer. Each one of them had a laundry list of different jobs they had had along the way and how it led to where they were now. Just be aware of this. Where you start your career is probably not where it's going to end up. Be flexible, be open. If you're a type A personality like me, it's important to hear this now so that later in life I won't be all bent out of shape because my entire career didn't go EXACTLY like I had planned. It's okay. Where you are now can lead to wonderful opportunities you never expected later!
6. You can get to where you want to go through MANY different avenues.
This was shown to be true by every speaker at the conference. There was at least 20 speakers there to give you an idea. All of the professionals worked in marketing, but how they got there came about 20 different ways. Some people never went to college while others had degrees in history, english, public relations, journalism, political science...you name it! Moral of the story is, you can get to where you want to go even if where you're at now is totally different.
7. Love what you do.
As cliche as it is, it's true. Waking up in the morning and being passionate about what you do is inspirational. It needs to be what drives you. Being passionate will serve you in your professional life and in personal fulfillment. It will show up in your work and is what creates the best pieces of work. Passion for learning more and showing passion in whatever you do will let you go far. Passion is contagious.
8. If you want to live in a big city do it now while you can.
Granted, not everyone had lived in NY or CA, but a few speakers mentioned that if those are places you'd like to go and get experience then do it while you're young! If you want to go to CA and learn employable skills at a small startup then do it now. This will allow you to get it out of your system now, so that when you want to settle down and have a family you can move to a bigger company wherever you'd like to because you've already learned some skills from the bigger cities.
9. Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate.
In other words, have the ability to work well in teams. The ability to work well with others was mentioned and emphasized a lot. I would almost go out on a limb and say that there's a good chance you won't hired if you flat-out have no teamwork skills. Playing well with others may be more important than you think. Most of the time it's so valued that employers will list it as a job requirement. Think about that.
10. Networking is important, but don't be afraid to reach out to people either.
Something refreshing I heard was that it's okay to reach out to future employers. This could mean everything from connecting with company heads on LinkedIn to calling their headquarters and asking to scout out certain positions. Following up is important as well. If you meet someone cold-turkey one day at an event (cough cough, for example, SuperNova South..) don't be afraid to follow them on social media and even ask them to meet up for coffee one day to ask them specific questions. As you already know, networking and having connections can ultimately end up with having a job.
Alright you all! These were some of my favorite lessons learned from the event and I hope you all learned some insight and enjoyed reading the takeaways. So were YOU at SuperNova South? What was YOUR favorite piece/s of advice?! I'd love to know in the comments below!
Much love,
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Tips to Keep in Mind When Eating Healthier
Hello! I'm glad you all are back!
I hope you're staying warm and dry in this bout of nasty weather!
Hopefully the pumpkin recipes helped keep you all warm. :) So you've made the decision to eat healthier...perfect! But as you all know, eating healthy can mean a million different things. For some people that means eating gluten-free, eating less saturated fats, etc. But, there are still some pitfalls that are hard to avoid if you're not careful. Remember, food companies (even healthy ones) are in the market for making a profit. So how do you know what to buy and what not to? Well, here are some tricks to keep in mind while shopping to make sure you're buying the absolute best. 1. Anything that comes straight from the ground (think veggies and fruits)... you need to buy organic. Now, as a college student, I understand that not everyone can afford to go full blown organic. I mean, food is expensive! But, for the extra few cents a pound, I'm willing to buy sweet potatoes without chemicals vs buying sweet potatoes doused with chemicals... that eventually will be ingested. What you put into your body affects you. Fruit and vegetables sprayed with pesticide and then shipped to a store are NOT healthy for you. If anything, it's worse to straight up eat pesticide residue on your food than presumably eat preservatives. It's important to note, that if you keep your eyes open, you can find non-organic and organic foods are around the same price depending on where you shop. For example, grapes at Ingles and Walmart are 1.99 a pound, but if you look at Kroger's organic section, you'll notice that their organic grapes are 1.99 as well. Which one are YOU going to purchase?
Now, since going all organic is incredibly expensive, here's a list of the top foods to buy organic and the fruits and veggies that are okay to buy non-organic. This chart is from the website 100 days of real food and the Environmental Working Group. You can also read about some of the dangers of pesticides here.
*Tip: Kroger does indeed have a wonderful organic section! I notice they tend to rival neighboring grocery stores on their regular pricing with their organic food pricing.
2. Whole grain is better than whole wheat. Think pita breads, tortilla wraps, pasta, etc.
Whole grain and whole wheat are two terms that can easily be confused. But, the differences are important! Whole grains are better for you because they are less refined, have more nutrients, vitamins, and fiber. Even if you can't find something in whole grain, whole wheat is a better alternative than plain white refined carbs. Check out the infographic below to see the differences between whole grain and whole wheat!
Photo credit: Pinterest
3. Switch out your chips!
As we all know, the precious potato chips that we all know and love are notorious for being fattening, but they're so delicious! What do you do when you want something crunchy to snack on guilt-free? Switch out those chips! The good news is there are lots of options! There's everything from $2 tortilla chips, to Sun Chips, to sweet potato chips from Trader Joe's. You can even make your own! There's tons of recipes on Pinterest and other websites where you can make whatever chip your heart desires. I've seen everything from zucchini chips to apple chips. Whatever your budget, and whatever your style, check the label and try to find a healthier alternative than regular ole' potato chips.
4. Of course, drink more water...but stay away from those dyes!
Let's face it; we all know we're supposed to drink more water, but sometimes plain water is just plain boring. Sometimes I like to mix it up a bit and have flavored water...BUT, squirting some flavored dye into your water just made your water, well, unhealthy. Here's the why behind it. Basically, the strong artificial dyes and the flavoring has preservatives and toxins. Instead, here's some healthy alternatives: Emergen-C, Propel, La Croix bubbly water, coconut water, putting fresh lemon juice, lime juice, or mint in your water, or drink tea.
For more detail, go to http://www.familygonehealthy.com/science/food-science-artificial-food-dyes/
Also, photo credit goes to link above.
If you would like to read even MORE about the dangers of food dyes, feel free to read these...
5. Check the sugar content on protein bars and yogurts.
Believe it or not, the sweet flavors that your protein bars and yogurts come in, are well, loaded with sugar. Most protein bars that I've seen have an upwards of 15g to 20+g of sugar in ONE protein bar!! Unless you're planning not to eat anything with sugar for the rest of the day, then you're already exceeding the recommended daily amount of sugar intake. My favorite protein bars are from Nature Valley in the cereal aisle and have only 6g of sugar and 10g of protein. They're super delicious too! Also, the same goes for yogurts. Typically yogurts have about the same amount of sugar as well. To decrease sugar intake, simply look at the back of the label. Usually store brands or off brands have lower sugar amounts. Some of my favorites are the Ingles brand or the Activia Brand. According to CalorieCount.com, Dannon Activia light only has about 9 g of sugar in each cup of yogurt.
There it is! I hope you all enjoyed reading this post and realize that these truly are just the beginning. There are millions of ways to create a healthier life and diet, but these are a few of my favorite tips and tricks to share. I highly recommend looking around on Google and other sources about healthy eating, chemicals, and how they affect us. In the meantime, if there's something here you learned or if you all have any tips that YOU'd like to know I'd love to know!
Much love, G
Saturday, September 26, 2015
5 Simple Pumpkin Recipes to Sweeten Your Fall!
Hello everyone! How's your first week of fall been? Can you feel the weather changing and have you had your fair share or PSL (Pumpkin Spice Lattes) yet? I sure hope so because hot weather is out and pumpkin everything is in! I don't know about you guys, but fall is the season for baking warm goodies with friends and for snuggling up all cozy at home. I've been looking for some pumpkin oriented recipes to try out this year and here's what I've found!
This one is provided by Buzzfeed Food so you know it's gotta be good, right?!
With just 3 ingredients, I've already bought the supplies for this one and am ready to go! Think of all the pumpkin and marshmallow goodness inside. Mmmm..!
Recipe link here: https://www.facebook.com/BuzzFeedFood/videos/1116216855058206/
2. Libby's Pumpkin Roll
Now this one, I've personally never tried, but it was recommended by a friend. She said she makes it every year and it's a hit at every family party! Looking at the picture and ingredients, I bet it's as delicious as it sounds. Ground cinnamon, pumpkin, and cream cheese..comfort food at it's finest! Also, the reviews for this are fantastic.
To try this recipe: https://www.verybestbaking.com/recipes/32372/libbys-pumpkin-roll/
3. Pumpkin Pancakes
Okay, so if you're one of those people that makes pancakes every Saturday (slowly raises hand) but wants something pumpkin flavored and still healthy, then this one is for you! Seriously considering making this one this morning as we speak...the main ingredients are flour, pumpkin puree, and spices!
For this recipe, go here:
4. Mini Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls!
First of all, can we all acknowledge that these look mouth-watering! Second of all, they're incredibly easy to make! It's a win-win! Pumpkin butter, a crescent roll sheet, and brown sugar. That's basically it people.
Here's the recipe: http://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/easy-mini-pumpkin-cinnamon-rolls/
5. Crock Pot Pumpkin Spice Latte
Of course, what list would be complete without at least mentioning the famous PSL. I'm not a huge fan of coffee (shocker, I know) but these recipe is so simple and easy I had to mention it! I'm even thinking of tweaking it for non-coffee drinkers and seeing how it tastes. But to all you coffee drinkers, enjoy!!
The recipe: http://thrivinghomeblog.com/2013/09/crock-pot-pumpkin-spiced-latte/
That's it for now! I've officially got to go to the store to get more pumpkin and start baking. I hope you all get to test out one of these recipes and I can't wait to hear how it goes! So have you guys ever tried one of these recipes?? How did it go?? I'd love to know in the comments!
Once again, Happy Fall Y'all ;)
P.S. All photos and recipes are not my own, but property of the bloggers used in this article.
Fall Baking,
Fall Recipes,
good eats,
Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls,
Pumpkin Pancakes,
Pumpkin Spice Latte
Sunday, September 20, 2015
10 Simple Ways To Clean House Using Natural Ingredients
Happy first week of fall, y'all!
This week I'm going to talk about something I'm passionate about-incorporating natural ingredients into everyday life. I try to look for natural solutions for everything from shampoo, to produce, to cleaning supplies. I believe what we put into the environment affects us in more ways than we know. Even though everyone talks about spring cleaning...what about fall cleaning?? The weather is perfect and it's an ideal time to clean out the house before it gets too cold and before the start of a new year! What could be better than cleaning the mess in your house without harming yourself or others while getting ready for wintertime?
As far as finding more natural solutions for everyday problems, here's what I've found to work best. Also, I think you'll be amazed at how many uses vinegar can have!
For the bathroom:
1. For a dirty mirror, use equal parts water and vinegar to wipe down mirror. Wipe with microfiber cloth or newspaper.
2. For a dirty shower head, pour clear vinegar into a plastic baggy, place on shower head with a rubber band and leave on overnight. Take off the next morning and ta-da!
3. For grout cleaner, mix equal parts baking soda and equal parts hydrogen peroxide until it makes a paste. Place on grout for a while, then brush away with a rag and warm water.
4. For a dirty toilet, use 2-3 cups of apple cider vinegar and leave overnight.
5. For a shower cleaner, use equal parts of Dawn soap and hot vinegar, use gripper sponge to scrub on shower. Let sit and then rinse.
For the kitchen:
6. For a clogged sink or drain, use 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of baking soda. Wait until it stops bubbling (could be anywhere from 10-45 minutes) and then rinse with boiling hot water.
7. For an all-purpose cleaner, use 2 cups of vinegar, 4 cups of water, and 1/4 lemon juice in a spray bottle.
This week I'm going to talk about something I'm passionate about-incorporating natural ingredients into everyday life. I try to look for natural solutions for everything from shampoo, to produce, to cleaning supplies. I believe what we put into the environment affects us in more ways than we know. Even though everyone talks about spring cleaning...what about fall cleaning?? The weather is perfect and it's an ideal time to clean out the house before it gets too cold and before the start of a new year! What could be better than cleaning the mess in your house without harming yourself or others while getting ready for wintertime?
As far as finding more natural solutions for everyday problems, here's what I've found to work best. Also, I think you'll be amazed at how many uses vinegar can have!
For the bathroom:
1. For a dirty mirror, use equal parts water and vinegar to wipe down mirror. Wipe with microfiber cloth or newspaper.
2. For a dirty shower head, pour clear vinegar into a plastic baggy, place on shower head with a rubber band and leave on overnight. Take off the next morning and ta-da!
3. For grout cleaner, mix equal parts baking soda and equal parts hydrogen peroxide until it makes a paste. Place on grout for a while, then brush away with a rag and warm water.
4. For a dirty toilet, use 2-3 cups of apple cider vinegar and leave overnight.
5. For a shower cleaner, use equal parts of Dawn soap and hot vinegar, use gripper sponge to scrub on shower. Let sit and then rinse.
For the kitchen:
6. For a clogged sink or drain, use 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of baking soda. Wait until it stops bubbling (could be anywhere from 10-45 minutes) and then rinse with boiling hot water.
7. For an all-purpose cleaner, use 2 cups of vinegar, 4 cups of water, and 1/4 lemon juice in a spray bottle.
For clothes:
8. For "pit stains" on whites, use 1/2 hydrogen peroxide, 1/2 cup baking soda, and 1 cup of water. Rub on stain with old toothbrush, old dish brush, etc and let sit til dry. Rinse thoroughly and repeat until gone.
9. For a greener laundry detergent, I talk about how to make a 3-ingredient organic laundry detergent here....
For carpet stains:
10. Use 1 cup of Dawn dish soap, 1 cup of vinegar, and 2 cups of warm water mixed together. Scrub onto stain vigorously. Rinse with warm water and a rag. (I've personally used this recipe for some carpet stains at our townhome!)
Now granted, there are PLENTY of natural recipes out there to clean you-name-it, but these are just a few from my personal collection that are simple and only have a few ingredients. If you've tried one of the recipes above or have any you'd like to share, I'd love to hear about it below in the comments!
Happy fall cleaning, y'all.. ;)
Sunday, September 13, 2015
How To Peacefully Clean & Organize Your Home When Living With Roommates
Hello readers! I'm delighted that you came to my page today!
When moving to college, or when moving to another place in general, it can be difficult to combine different lifestyles under one roof. I quickly figured this out when I moved to college as people come from all sorts of backgrounds and will have different habits. For example, some people are clean and organized, while others are not, and there will be all sorts of people in between. So from my casa to your casa, here are some tried and true tips that I've learned through the months! These tips are to help create an organized system in your household, help delegate the chores of everyday life, and to prevent arguments before they begin!
1. If dishes are a problem, then getting multiples dish boxes may be necessary.
Some roommates will be just fine with doing their own dishes and being accountable from the get-go, but some roommates will enjoy the freedom of living away from home and may not want to do dishes. To prevent a pile-up of dishes, a dish box for each roomie is necessary. At our house, we have a rule that if dishes are not put in the dish washer and/or hand washed and put up within 2 days then they go in the dish box. At that point, it is no longer anyone else's responsibility to clean it and it's a subtle hint that the person needs to wash their dishes. If it remains in the dish box for a period of time (say 2 days) then we will put the dish box by that person's bedroom door. Dish boxes cost about $1 in the kitchen section at any superstore and can be an efficient way of keeping dishes out of the sink. Although efficient, it is important to talk the rules over with the roommates first and not just throw dishes in a box and by their room as a way to be passive aggressive. This brings me to my next point of...
2. Having open communication
Before applying the rules below, it is important to have a talk with the roommates beforehand so that everyone knows what is expected of them and to consider their thoughts/suggestions. Kindness goes a long way!
3. Post rules if necessary
If you feel like you need to reinforce the rules and/or make it more official, then posting the rules in a shared space in the home will help the process. It reiterates the fact that everyone is to know what is expected of them.
4. Have everyone assigned to trash duty for a week
Unless you have a roommate who recycles absolutely everything, there will be trash involved. To solve the problem of who takes it out and when, assign a week to everyone and the turnover day when trash duty is the next person's responsibility. If someone is not taking the trash out, do like number 1 and simply put the trash bag by the person's door as a hint for them to take the trash out. Note: It is critical that everyone agrees to this concept so that it is fair game and NOT just being passive aggressive.
5. Physically separate the fridge/freezer space
Food is a necessity, yet space is probably limited. To try to eliminate the problem, it is best to physically separate the space so everyone has an equal amount of room. We made our dividers out of closet divider material and cut them to fit. Other locker dividers may work as well. If all else fails, simply taping where the dividers should be could work as well. Also, please excuse our messy freezer! ;)
6. Switch out bathroom chores
Thankfully, each of my roommates have their own bathroom so bathroom chores are not a big deal here, but others may not have that luxury. Just like the trash duty, bathroom chores can be switched out every week. It may help to make a chart for this and to assign one person trash that week while the other person does bathroom cleaning. Whatever works best!
and last but not least....
7. Hold each other accountable!
While everyone would love to live in a perfect world where everyone gets along, I realize that these solutions may not work for everyone. If these systems don't work at first, then try again. Combining multiple lifestyles under one roof is hard work and it takes practice adjusting to everyone's differences. If some of these work for you and some of these don't, then great! Adjust as often and as necessary as you want. The most important thing is that you all find a system where you all can hold each other accountable, but in a respectful way. Having open honest communication, respect, and love towards one another can make a world of a difference!
Well, I hope you all have enjoyed these guidelines for how to have a cleaner and more peaceful household. Thankfully, our household has implemented these techniques and are much happier! What changes have you guys made to create a better living space? I would love to know in the comments below!
Have a lovely rest of the day!
When moving to college, or when moving to another place in general, it can be difficult to combine different lifestyles under one roof. I quickly figured this out when I moved to college as people come from all sorts of backgrounds and will have different habits. For example, some people are clean and organized, while others are not, and there will be all sorts of people in between. So from my casa to your casa, here are some tried and true tips that I've learned through the months! These tips are to help create an organized system in your household, help delegate the chores of everyday life, and to prevent arguments before they begin!
1. If dishes are a problem, then getting multiples dish boxes may be necessary.
Some roommates will be just fine with doing their own dishes and being accountable from the get-go, but some roommates will enjoy the freedom of living away from home and may not want to do dishes. To prevent a pile-up of dishes, a dish box for each roomie is necessary. At our house, we have a rule that if dishes are not put in the dish washer and/or hand washed and put up within 2 days then they go in the dish box. At that point, it is no longer anyone else's responsibility to clean it and it's a subtle hint that the person needs to wash their dishes. If it remains in the dish box for a period of time (say 2 days) then we will put the dish box by that person's bedroom door. Dish boxes cost about $1 in the kitchen section at any superstore and can be an efficient way of keeping dishes out of the sink. Although efficient, it is important to talk the rules over with the roommates first and not just throw dishes in a box and by their room as a way to be passive aggressive. This brings me to my next point of...
2. Having open communication
Before applying the rules below, it is important to have a talk with the roommates beforehand so that everyone knows what is expected of them and to consider their thoughts/suggestions. Kindness goes a long way!
3. Post rules if necessary
If you feel like you need to reinforce the rules and/or make it more official, then posting the rules in a shared space in the home will help the process. It reiterates the fact that everyone is to know what is expected of them.
4. Have everyone assigned to trash duty for a week
Unless you have a roommate who recycles absolutely everything, there will be trash involved. To solve the problem of who takes it out and when, assign a week to everyone and the turnover day when trash duty is the next person's responsibility. If someone is not taking the trash out, do like number 1 and simply put the trash bag by the person's door as a hint for them to take the trash out. Note: It is critical that everyone agrees to this concept so that it is fair game and NOT just being passive aggressive.
5. Physically separate the fridge/freezer space
Food is a necessity, yet space is probably limited. To try to eliminate the problem, it is best to physically separate the space so everyone has an equal amount of room. We made our dividers out of closet divider material and cut them to fit. Other locker dividers may work as well. If all else fails, simply taping where the dividers should be could work as well. Also, please excuse our messy freezer! ;)
6. Switch out bathroom chores
Thankfully, each of my roommates have their own bathroom so bathroom chores are not a big deal here, but others may not have that luxury. Just like the trash duty, bathroom chores can be switched out every week. It may help to make a chart for this and to assign one person trash that week while the other person does bathroom cleaning. Whatever works best!
and last but not least....
7. Hold each other accountable!
While everyone would love to live in a perfect world where everyone gets along, I realize that these solutions may not work for everyone. If these systems don't work at first, then try again. Combining multiple lifestyles under one roof is hard work and it takes practice adjusting to everyone's differences. If some of these work for you and some of these don't, then great! Adjust as often and as necessary as you want. The most important thing is that you all find a system where you all can hold each other accountable, but in a respectful way. Having open honest communication, respect, and love towards one another can make a world of a difference!
Well, I hope you all have enjoyed these guidelines for how to have a cleaner and more peaceful household. Thankfully, our household has implemented these techniques and are much happier! What changes have you guys made to create a better living space? I would love to know in the comments below!
Have a lovely rest of the day!
Sunday, September 6, 2015
5 Ways To Help Get You Through College When You Feel Like Quitting
Hello again!
I hope you all have been having a lovely week. It's the beginning of a new school year and we're quickly approaching the middle of the semester again! Crazy how time flies, isn't it? Although I'm enjoying my classes this semester, there was a time (ahem, last semester) when I wasn't and had even seriously considered dropping out of college because of a lack of motivation. Ever felt that way? Now granted, there was a plethora of circumstances (transferring and moving had a lot to do with it) that led up to it, but it still happened nonetheless. Did you know transfer students have a much higher drop out rate? So what made the difference? How did I go from almost dropping out to taking the most classes I've ever taken and enjoying it? Well this is why I bring you these 5 tips!
This can be anything from taking 3 classes instead of 4 or taking the whole semester off or just taking the summer off, but do it. Do it for your sanity because you NEED it. More than likely, if you're at the stage where you feel like you're done it's because you're burned out from working too hard. Take a break. A TRUE break. Do things that you love. See family. Be with friends. Surround yourself with their love and remind yourself why you're living in the first place.
2. Do something you're interested in!
I know this is extremely cliche, but there's a reason why. Once you've taken some time to feel rebooted it's time to slowly start over again. What made the biggest difference was changing up my classes a semester to take some electives and major classes that I WANTED to take. No more stats and random prerequisites for me! I purposely chose classes that counted toward my major but also had interesting material.
3. Consider a job (any entry level job) in the field you're interested in.
This will not only give you motivation to strive towards your dream in the classroom, but will get your foot in the door in the industry you potentially want to work in. Plus, you have a resume builder! In my case, I chose to do an internship so not only do I get REAL LIFE experience, but upper level class credit as well. The thing about college is that it's draining...on ALL levels. You give your time, your energy, and your money without seeing ANY of the rewards yet!! That is incredibly draining mentally, physically, and emotionally. It's draining and disappointing to feel like your efforts are wasted and to keep giving without receiving anything (yet). Here is where a job is different. When you have a job you come in, do your work, and get paid after a certain amount of hours have been put into it. It may not be immediate gratification, but it's pretty close. It gives decent motivation to keep going by using a tangible reward and it makes all the difference!
4. Use your skills and/or gain new ones.
Going off of point 3, incorporating real world experience is a motivator in itself because you know what? It's NOT school, it's NOT a classroom. In the real world, you have a skill and you are hired for the skill set you provide. Go ahead, get hired somewhere, and see that your skills are valued and can be used! No matter how experienced or inexperienced you are, you will realize that you are MORE than a nameless face in a classroom and that you are capable of being compensated for your efforts. If you feel like you don't have a particular skill set yet, then pick a subject you're passionate about and start learning more about it. You'll gain confidence and hopefully gain more skills along the way! College is hard. I repeat, COLLEGE IS HARD and it's not always fair. Failing a class or bombing a test because you got a crappy professor or because the material was too hard to grasp can knock your confidence, but learning a new skill can help build it back up!
5. And last, but certainly not least, ASK for support from family, friends, a counselor, etc.
Reach out. Reaching out and letting it out are two incredibly important concepts. You'll not only feel better, but people will be able to know what's going on with you and what you're going through. Will it be uncomfortable? Possibly. Will it hurt your pride a little to ask for help? Possibly. But it's necessary. I reached out to people and it was tremendously comforting. People would tell me their stories of when they were in college and how they had similar experiences. It helps to know you're not alone and that there have been THOUSANDS of students who've felt the same way. Ask them for advice, hear their stories, and realize that it's completely normal to feel this way and use their success stories as motivation to keep going! You can do it!
*It's important to note that most colleges have a free counseling and/or mental health support system in place because they know that college is a tough transition to make. There are online resources and support groups out there that can help as well.
I hope at least some of these tips help and remember that college is a journey!
I hope you all have been having a lovely week. It's the beginning of a new school year and we're quickly approaching the middle of the semester again! Crazy how time flies, isn't it? Although I'm enjoying my classes this semester, there was a time (ahem, last semester) when I wasn't and had even seriously considered dropping out of college because of a lack of motivation. Ever felt that way? Now granted, there was a plethora of circumstances (transferring and moving had a lot to do with it) that led up to it, but it still happened nonetheless. Did you know transfer students have a much higher drop out rate? So what made the difference? How did I go from almost dropping out to taking the most classes I've ever taken and enjoying it? Well this is why I bring you these 5 tips!
This can be anything from taking 3 classes instead of 4 or taking the whole semester off or just taking the summer off, but do it. Do it for your sanity because you NEED it. More than likely, if you're at the stage where you feel like you're done it's because you're burned out from working too hard. Take a break. A TRUE break. Do things that you love. See family. Be with friends. Surround yourself with their love and remind yourself why you're living in the first place.
2. Do something you're interested in!
I know this is extremely cliche, but there's a reason why. Once you've taken some time to feel rebooted it's time to slowly start over again. What made the biggest difference was changing up my classes a semester to take some electives and major classes that I WANTED to take. No more stats and random prerequisites for me! I purposely chose classes that counted toward my major but also had interesting material.
3. Consider a job (any entry level job) in the field you're interested in.
This will not only give you motivation to strive towards your dream in the classroom, but will get your foot in the door in the industry you potentially want to work in. Plus, you have a resume builder! In my case, I chose to do an internship so not only do I get REAL LIFE experience, but upper level class credit as well. The thing about college is that it's draining...on ALL levels. You give your time, your energy, and your money without seeing ANY of the rewards yet!! That is incredibly draining mentally, physically, and emotionally. It's draining and disappointing to feel like your efforts are wasted and to keep giving without receiving anything (yet). Here is where a job is different. When you have a job you come in, do your work, and get paid after a certain amount of hours have been put into it. It may not be immediate gratification, but it's pretty close. It gives decent motivation to keep going by using a tangible reward and it makes all the difference!
4. Use your skills and/or gain new ones.
Going off of point 3, incorporating real world experience is a motivator in itself because you know what? It's NOT school, it's NOT a classroom. In the real world, you have a skill and you are hired for the skill set you provide. Go ahead, get hired somewhere, and see that your skills are valued and can be used! No matter how experienced or inexperienced you are, you will realize that you are MORE than a nameless face in a classroom and that you are capable of being compensated for your efforts. If you feel like you don't have a particular skill set yet, then pick a subject you're passionate about and start learning more about it. You'll gain confidence and hopefully gain more skills along the way! College is hard. I repeat, COLLEGE IS HARD and it's not always fair. Failing a class or bombing a test because you got a crappy professor or because the material was too hard to grasp can knock your confidence, but learning a new skill can help build it back up!
5. And last, but certainly not least, ASK for support from family, friends, a counselor, etc.
Reach out. Reaching out and letting it out are two incredibly important concepts. You'll not only feel better, but people will be able to know what's going on with you and what you're going through. Will it be uncomfortable? Possibly. Will it hurt your pride a little to ask for help? Possibly. But it's necessary. I reached out to people and it was tremendously comforting. People would tell me their stories of when they were in college and how they had similar experiences. It helps to know you're not alone and that there have been THOUSANDS of students who've felt the same way. Ask them for advice, hear their stories, and realize that it's completely normal to feel this way and use their success stories as motivation to keep going! You can do it!
*It's important to note that most colleges have a free counseling and/or mental health support system in place because they know that college is a tough transition to make. There are online resources and support groups out there that can help as well.
I hope at least some of these tips help and remember that college is a journey!
Saturday, August 29, 2015
7 New Trends For Fall
Hello my lovelies! Did I mention I'm so glad you're here!?
Here's an update: since school has started, I've been challenged (and am being graded) for creating 10 more blog posts throughout the semester. I'm excited to be in my social media strategy class, but I also find posting regularly a struggle...so here it goes!
Background: For one of my other classes, fashion merchandising, we had to compile resources to pick out trends coming out for this Fall. Since my Instagram, Glamshazam, is about fashion and about my new journey being a fashion merchandiser intern, I figured why not write about it? So without further ado, here are some of the top trends we picked out for this fall season!
1. Retro Shapes
Think shift dresses, A-line skirts, and flared jeans

Yep, that saying about how everything that's old becomes new again is true. We'll see a lot of cotton and polyester A-line skirts, flared denim jeans, and shift dresses with tights and shoe booties in golden and plum colors.
2. Muted Jewel Tones

Fall will be all about rich, but subtle, colors. Think Forest Green, Mustard Yellow, Plum, Royal Blue, Crimson, and overall warm colors like gold and burnt oranges.
3. Florals/Interesting Patterns

As part of Vogue's back-to-school spread, they featured Marcia Brady as their inspiration.
This is also where I got the inspiration for this post and one of the main sources we used in class to pick out which trends are developing. Interesting retro-inspired prints from everything to wallpaper-looking motifs to tiny flowery 70's patterns are back.
Wanna check it out? Here's the link:
4. Collared Shirts

Although the butterfly collar is a dead-giveaway for the hippie era, all sorts of collars are coming back. This includes everything from the classic turtle neck knit to the preppier Peter Pan collar.
5. Graphic Tees (think boyfriend jeans too)

Graphic Tees from the 90's have, and will still be, making a comeback. Statement tees say a lot about who you are without compromising style and comfort. Pair them with some boyfriend jeans and you're good to go. No wonder they're so popular!
6. Light-Weight Cardigans and Cozy Knits

Cardigans and chunky knits have always been a classic for fall style. Wherever there's cold weather, there's a cozy chunky knit. There's a reason it's called sweater weather.
7. Chunky Booties

Last, but not least,...ankle booties! Ankle booties are perfect for fall because they're not yet full length boots to cover up for winter, but they're not sandals either. Ankle booties are versatile and can be worn with tights and dresses/skirts or with jeans! Fall perfection.
There you have it! Although there are many other trends that are going on at the moment, these are some of the top ones we'll be seeing on the streets. It's time to pull out those flared jeans, shift dresses, and ankle booties because it's almost fall, y'all!
**Disclaimer: ALL photos belong to bloggers/users on Pinterest.
Here's an update: since school has started, I've been challenged (and am being graded) for creating 10 more blog posts throughout the semester. I'm excited to be in my social media strategy class, but I also find posting regularly a struggle...so here it goes!
Background: For one of my other classes, fashion merchandising, we had to compile resources to pick out trends coming out for this Fall. Since my Instagram, Glamshazam, is about fashion and about my new journey being a fashion merchandiser intern, I figured why not write about it? So without further ado, here are some of the top trends we picked out for this fall season!
1. Retro Shapes
Think shift dresses, A-line skirts, and flared jeans

Yep, that saying about how everything that's old becomes new again is true. We'll see a lot of cotton and polyester A-line skirts, flared denim jeans, and shift dresses with tights and shoe booties in golden and plum colors.
2. Muted Jewel Tones

Fall will be all about rich, but subtle, colors. Think Forest Green, Mustard Yellow, Plum, Royal Blue, Crimson, and overall warm colors like gold and burnt oranges.
3. Florals/Interesting Patterns

As part of Vogue's back-to-school spread, they featured Marcia Brady as their inspiration.
This is also where I got the inspiration for this post and one of the main sources we used in class to pick out which trends are developing. Interesting retro-inspired prints from everything to wallpaper-looking motifs to tiny flowery 70's patterns are back.
Wanna check it out? Here's the link:
4. Collared Shirts

Although the butterfly collar is a dead-giveaway for the hippie era, all sorts of collars are coming back. This includes everything from the classic turtle neck knit to the preppier Peter Pan collar.
5. Graphic Tees (think boyfriend jeans too)

Graphic Tees from the 90's have, and will still be, making a comeback. Statement tees say a lot about who you are without compromising style and comfort. Pair them with some boyfriend jeans and you're good to go. No wonder they're so popular!
6. Light-Weight Cardigans and Cozy Knits

Cardigans and chunky knits have always been a classic for fall style. Wherever there's cold weather, there's a cozy chunky knit. There's a reason it's called sweater weather.
7. Chunky Booties

Last, but not least,...ankle booties! Ankle booties are perfect for fall because they're not yet full length boots to cover up for winter, but they're not sandals either. Ankle booties are versatile and can be worn with tights and dresses/skirts or with jeans! Fall perfection.
There you have it! Although there are many other trends that are going on at the moment, these are some of the top ones we'll be seeing on the streets. It's time to pull out those flared jeans, shift dresses, and ankle booties because it's almost fall, y'all!
**Disclaimer: ALL photos belong to bloggers/users on Pinterest.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
How To Temporarily Redo Your Kitchen Floor For $30 - For Renters!
Hello! Welcome to my blog! I'm glad you're here.
As you all know, I'm a college student living away from home. I live off-campus and I've been trying to make our little town home our "home away from home" which has included making some adjustments. So I decided to do a mini kitchen makeover! First up, I decided to "redo" the floors and had been looking for a cost efficient and temporary solution as we are renters.
Here's the before...
I had originally thought about peel-and-stick tiles that can be bought at Lowe's or Home Depot but when I asked the employees about it they seemed to believe that the solution would be too permanent. The lady then proceeded to give another solution...vinyl sheets. Lowe's sells precut vinyl sheets (they sell a 6x9 and I think a 5x7 sheet as well) for about $25 bucks a pop. Considering our kitchen is roughly 54 square feet a 6x9 was perfect for us! They come in different shapes and sizes with patterns ranging from big marble to small tile pieces to hardwood, etc era.
Now the question would be how to install it.
Here's what you'll need:
Precut Vinyl Sheets (we only needed one, but however many you need for $25 each)
A Utility Knife (few dollars at any hardware store)
Double-Sided Scrapbooking Mounting Tape (originally $7, but with a 40% off coupon it's only about $3 or $4!)
And lastly, a pair of scissors and a measuring tape
If you already own a pair of scissors and measuring tape and only need one sheet of precut vinyl then your total comes out to be a whopping $30. Bonus: If you split the cost between 4 roommates like we did, it only costs everyone about $8. You're welcome.
Once you've picked out how many vinyl sheets you'll need and what pattern, you can gather your supplies and begin!
Before you begin, you're going to need to do some measuring. This should be done before the vinyl sheets have even been bought. Simply grab a measuring tape and measure the width of the edge of one side of the floor to the other. Write the numbers down. Next, measure the height of the floor and write down. If you have an L-shaped kitchen like ours, you'll need to do the other side as well. If not, measure all the rest of the sides.
Cutting the pieces:
Now that we had our measurements, it was time to cut our vinyl. Lay the vinyl out on a flat surface to see what you're working with. Next, grab an expo marker (or technically you could use a pencil or highlighter even) to mark off the measurements from one area from the kitchen. Now do the same for the others. The trick here is that it's like one big puzzle piece. You have to play around with the vinyl sheet to see where the pieces will work out the best and fit. In our case, we had to cut some smaller pieces to fit the area which is why you see the line in it. Now supposedly, it is best to warm up the vinyl with a hairdryer because it's easier to cut, but we found that it wasn't necessary. The vinyl is easy to cut with the utility knife but it may take a few times to get it started. Honestly, we just cut the pieces in our living room on top of the rug and it didn't hurt a thing! If you're more cautious, anywhere on a flat surface outside would do the trick just fine.
Pro tip: When installing the pieces around appliances, you may have to cut a square "u" shape to get the vinyl to fit around the appliance. The shape would look like this: I_I
Simply place the cut vinyl pieces straight over the previous flooring. The next step is easy, yet a little time consuming. It probably took me an hour or two to "install" the flooring. All I did was cut the mounting tape into roughly 1 & 1/2 inch sections and place it on the back side of the vinyl edges like this:
After the pieces are placed on the back of the vinyl, then I would peel off the green wrapper for the other double-sided side.
After continuing the process for all the edges, I put more pieces along the edges (about every foot and a half) to secure the flooring more. Continue doing so until you feel like all the edges and pieces are secured to your liking!
Side Note: Our vinyl pieces did not always match up perfectly to the edges of the flooring, in this case, we used scraps to cut accordingly to cover the edges that were showing.
Here's the before and after!!
To cover up the lines from the separate vinyl pieces, I decided to disguise it with some rugs. I found these for $1 each from the Dollar Tree.
Now enjoy your new temporary flooring!!
As you all know, I'm a college student living away from home. I live off-campus and I've been trying to make our little town home our "home away from home" which has included making some adjustments. So I decided to do a mini kitchen makeover! First up, I decided to "redo" the floors and had been looking for a cost efficient and temporary solution as we are renters.
Here's the before...
I had originally thought about peel-and-stick tiles that can be bought at Lowe's or Home Depot but when I asked the employees about it they seemed to believe that the solution would be too permanent. The lady then proceeded to give another solution...vinyl sheets. Lowe's sells precut vinyl sheets (they sell a 6x9 and I think a 5x7 sheet as well) for about $25 bucks a pop. Considering our kitchen is roughly 54 square feet a 6x9 was perfect for us! They come in different shapes and sizes with patterns ranging from big marble to small tile pieces to hardwood, etc era.
Now the question would be how to install it.
Here's what you'll need:
Precut Vinyl Sheets (we only needed one, but however many you need for $25 each)
A Utility Knife (few dollars at any hardware store)
Double-Sided Scrapbooking Mounting Tape (originally $7, but with a 40% off coupon it's only about $3 or $4!)
And lastly, a pair of scissors and a measuring tape
If you already own a pair of scissors and measuring tape and only need one sheet of precut vinyl then your total comes out to be a whopping $30. Bonus: If you split the cost between 4 roommates like we did, it only costs everyone about $8. You're welcome.
Once you've picked out how many vinyl sheets you'll need and what pattern, you can gather your supplies and begin!
Before you begin, you're going to need to do some measuring. This should be done before the vinyl sheets have even been bought. Simply grab a measuring tape and measure the width of the edge of one side of the floor to the other. Write the numbers down. Next, measure the height of the floor and write down. If you have an L-shaped kitchen like ours, you'll need to do the other side as well. If not, measure all the rest of the sides.
Cutting the pieces:
Now that we had our measurements, it was time to cut our vinyl. Lay the vinyl out on a flat surface to see what you're working with. Next, grab an expo marker (or technically you could use a pencil or highlighter even) to mark off the measurements from one area from the kitchen. Now do the same for the others. The trick here is that it's like one big puzzle piece. You have to play around with the vinyl sheet to see where the pieces will work out the best and fit. In our case, we had to cut some smaller pieces to fit the area which is why you see the line in it. Now supposedly, it is best to warm up the vinyl with a hairdryer because it's easier to cut, but we found that it wasn't necessary. The vinyl is easy to cut with the utility knife but it may take a few times to get it started. Honestly, we just cut the pieces in our living room on top of the rug and it didn't hurt a thing! If you're more cautious, anywhere on a flat surface outside would do the trick just fine.
Pro tip: When installing the pieces around appliances, you may have to cut a square "u" shape to get the vinyl to fit around the appliance. The shape would look like this: I_I
Simply place the cut vinyl pieces straight over the previous flooring. The next step is easy, yet a little time consuming. It probably took me an hour or two to "install" the flooring. All I did was cut the mounting tape into roughly 1 & 1/2 inch sections and place it on the back side of the vinyl edges like this:
After the pieces are placed on the back of the vinyl, then I would peel off the green wrapper for the other double-sided side.
After continuing the process for all the edges, I put more pieces along the edges (about every foot and a half) to secure the flooring more. Continue doing so until you feel like all the edges and pieces are secured to your liking!
Side Note: Our vinyl pieces did not always match up perfectly to the edges of the flooring, in this case, we used scraps to cut accordingly to cover the edges that were showing.
Here's the before and after!!
To cover up the lines from the separate vinyl pieces, I decided to disguise it with some rugs. I found these for $1 each from the Dollar Tree.
Now enjoy your new temporary flooring!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Just Beachin' It.
Fall Essentials
American Eagle Outfitters,
Chinese Laundry,
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