Saturday, October 31, 2015

Things You Should Know Before Going To An Interview

Hello all! 
I hope you've been enjoying my latest posts about how to step up your game professionally and just some overall tips and tricks to know about the corporate world. For this post, it will be no different because I'll be talking about essential info about interviewing as you go into the work world! Again, some of these are from interview prepping sessions and some are from the conference.

1. Know about the company. 
Do your research. How long have they been in business, what they stand for, etc. This is vital to know because you want to work for a company that aligns with your goals and values. Also, if you're going to work hard for a company, you're going to want to do this anyway because you CARE about the company. As mentioned in the Corporate Confidential book, why should they hire/keep you if your not emotionally invested in the company and looking out for its interests as well? Most likely some of the information you need can be found on the company's website and on the internet.

2. How to answer typical interview questions.
Now, you've probably heard this a million times, but it's true. Google YouTube for classic interview questions and mock answers. It's not only slightly entertaining, but will prepare you for a stellar interview. Know exactly how you're going to answer if they ask about a challenge you faced and what you did to resolve it. Know how to answer the "now tell me about yourself" question and so on and so forth.
Need some help check out this simple YouTube video:

3. What sets you apart from the competition. Why your qualifications are EXACTLY what they're looking for.
As mentioned before in previous posts, know your strengths and weaknesses, what makes you different than any other candidate, and WHAT role you play when collaborating in a group. Are you a natural born leader? Boom. Strength. Are a team you play well with others? Mention it. What are your weaknesses...could you be a better listener? Do you take on too much responsibility? (could turn it into a positive statement about having ambition, etc.) Talk about what skills you possess or what experiences you've had that have prepared you for the role you're applying for.  
To get you started on what strengths you might have, check out this:

4. Questions you have for the interviewer.
One of the most make-or-break moments here is whether or not you have questions to ask the interviewer. The correct answer here is TO ASK QUESTIONS. Not just any question either, make sure your questions are thoughtful, thought-provoking and show that you have in interest in the company and passion. There are thousands of wonderful questions to ask, and for each interview they could be different. To see some examples of what to ask, check here:
Infographic from:

5. Write a thank you note and follow up. 
You should know that being polite and showing gratitude go a LONG way. At the conference I went to, one of the speakers was asked what was one of the most impressive actions a candidate had ever done? Their response...they had received a thank you note. Yes, it is rare. Yes, it will make a positive impression. Possibly one that will also get you a job. 
Want to know a fool-proof way to write a professional thank you note?
Well I hope you all have learned some tips to conquer your next job interview!! I know these will definitely keep me on top of my game. What about you all? Are there any tips that you've learned that will impress future employers? I'd love to know in the comments below!

Much love, 

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